Tuesday, October 21, 2008

oh, Rhinebeck!

another year, another closet needed for all of the yarn. le sigh...

well, Rhinebeck was its usual fun and excitement, with a bit of crazy thrown in. crazy wake up times, crazy lines (advice: peeps at the Fold- CASH ONLY LINE!!! also, BIGGER BOOTH!!), crazy amounts of food. but always seeing good friends and good yarns make up for all of the crazy.

this year, the weather was perfect sweater wearing weather. in fact, it was a bit cooler than was comfy, so it almost became a coat wearing day, but luckily there were a lot of very crowded barns to wander through when it got too chilly.

oh, and in those barns, there was yarn! would you like to see?

well, since you asked so nicely.

Wild Apple Farms 100% Wool

I got enough of this to do my next project from "A Fine Fleece". I've decided i need to do Two Hearts in a nice big size. one that i can hide in when the job search gets to be too much. Glenna has told me that I'm allowed to swatch it to take the edge off of the startitis that i have developed.

the line at the Fold was insanity itself. they need to get a bigger booth, in a better location, and they need to have a cash only line. because any line that loops around itself is (almost) too long a line for yarn. almost. but i did score some lovely skeins! lookie!

STR- Lightweight in Lenore

STR- Mediumweight in Thraven

STR MILL END- Mediumweight in a Brown/Pink. Mill Ends are an incredible deal (about a 3rd off of the normal price) and what I will be checking out more often.

This is the Holiday Yarns Sock Yarn that I got in a lovely shade of Amethyst

a skein of ? sock yarn colorway "Beaches". I'm thinking i need some contrasting yarn, b/c i almost have enough for knee socks.

we got home exhausted, but kitty was wide awake and eager to play with the yarns, too! here he is attacking Glenna's knitting sack

oh and this is me in Espresso. it is my new most favorite sweater. but given all the beautiful sweaters i saw at Rhinebeck, it may not hold that place for long! i am truly fickle!

sadly, the knitting gods caught up with me, and destroyed my plans to finish my current sock project in a timely manner.

i broke a freakin' needle!!

so now i have to figure something out to try and finish this sock soon. i put in an order with knitpicks, so hopefully i'll get the replacement needles soon (i ordered metal needles so hopefully they will last a bit longer), but i think i can make do with the 4 needles and just find another needle to cable with. i have discovered i really like doing cables with another DPN rather than a cable needle, and no, i don't know why.

ok, so now that i have made my update, i'm going to think about changing and maybe leaving my house for a bit. i feel the need to cook, and its mostly b/c its so damn cold in my apartment.

1 comment:

Glenna C said...

Kitty! I meeeeees you, you are so soft and pettable. Miss Beatrice doesn't understand about hugging kitties the way you do.

That continues to be one awesome sweater.